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A Photo a Day - Day 31

John Markowski

I'm back.

The day job consumed my mornings, my days and my nights the past two weeks. Tough to complain, I'm still employed, we're all healthy and I get to continue to blissfully ignore my hygiene.

By the end of this year I'll hit the 365 post mark and pretend I posted every day. A few double and triple ups should cover that. And you'll forget by then so I'm good.

The two week work jaunt also prevented me from progressing on the latest novel. I'm roughly 45,000 words in. It is set in a lake town in Massachusetts, involves multiple murders and has evolved darker than I'd envisioned. Too much serial killer watching I presume.

For today's pic, I found this on the kitchen island when I departed my office/bedroom and set out to make lunch.

By the time 1:00 pm rolls around, I'm a ravenous maniac. I intermittent fast each day, typically not eating between 7:00 pm the night before and 1:00 pm the next day. The health benefits are off the charts and I can report it is working. And exercising on an empty stomach kicks butt.

Now if I could just figure out the sleeping ...

This note is so pandemic. We've got the coordination of lunch, between the four of us, down to a science.

"There's half an avocado in the fridge"

"You need to open a new peanut butter"

"Dad, tell me you didn't finish the honey mustard pretzels!"

But this one goes into the time capsule. My daughter concerned with my well being the best part.

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1 Comment

Feb 10, 2021

“A Photo a Day-Day 32” is hilarious! I needed a good laugh after my not so good feeling day. You nailed it!

Thank you!

Lisa L.

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